I can help individuals who are dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event or experience. This can include individuals who have been diagnosed with PTS - Post-Traumatic Stress (You are not Disordered), chronic stress, or who have experienced trauma-related pain. 

I can provide support and guidance to help individuals manage symptoms, process their experiences, and develop coping strategies for dealing with trauma-related stress. I use a range of therapeutic approaches, including talk therapy, EMDR, and mindfulness-based approaches, to help individuals work through their experiences and find ways to move forward.

As a trained
trauma therapist,

One To One Therapy

Discover the power of one-to-one therapy. As a qualified psychotherapist, I provide a private and nurturing online space for you to delve into your life and gain a deeper understanding of yourself either through talk therapy or EMDR. Together, we will work to achieve growth, healing, and increased self-awareness as you navigate towards a more fulfilling life. 

EMDR Therapy

Empower yourself with EMDR Intensives.
Experience Healing and Growth Through 3-Hour Intensive Sessions.

Welcome to a healing and self-discovery through EMDR Intensives. This approach involves 3-hour intensive sessions, allowing you to delve deep into the issues impacting your life. Whether you choose a short, concentrated burst of intensive work or opt for monthly sessions with integration sessions in between, EMDR Intensives offer a powerful and effective way to address and overcome life's challenges.

Who Can Benefit from EMDR Intensives?
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Intensives are designed for individuals seeking targeted and in-depth healing for a variety of issues. EMDR is a therapeutic approach primarily intended to help individuals who have experienced distressing or traumatic events. EMDR is recognized as effective for a range of psychological conditions and is often used to assist:

Trauma Survivors
EMDR is widely used to help individuals who have experienced various forms of trauma, including but not limited to physical abuse, sexual assault, accidents, and combat-related trauma.

Post-Traumatic Stress
EMDR is an evidence-based treatment for PTSD. It can assist those who have symptoms such as intrusive memories, nightmares, hypervigilance, and avoidance related to a traumatic event.

Anxiety and Panic
Individuals living with anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias can benefit from EMDR to address and alleviate the underlying causes of their distress.

Grief and Loss
EMDR can be helpful for individuals experiencing grief and loss, providing a structured approach to process and integrate difficult emotions associated with bereavement or traumatic grief. 

While EMDR is not primarily designed to treat depression, it may be beneficial for individuals whose symptoms are linked to past traumatic experiences.

Performance Anxiety
EMDR has been explored in addressing performance anxiety, helping individuals overcome blocks or negative beliefs related to their performance in various areas of life.

These intensives are not about "fixing" you (you are not broken) but about understanding, releasing, and empowering you to embrace a new chapter of well-being.

In a safe and supportive space, EMDR Intensives guide you through the origins of your coping mechanisms, unveiling the roots of your experiences. By exploring how these strategies evolved and understanding their present impact, you are empowered to embark on a journey towards healing.

Group Therapy

Find support and growth in online group therapy. I facilitate a safe and confidential virtual space for individuals to come together and discuss common challenges. Group therapy offers the benefits of one-to-one therapy, such as increased self-awareness and healing, with the added advantage of a supportive group dynamic. 

Join a community of like-minded individuals on the journey towards a fulfilling life through online group therapy.


Chronic Pain/Illness 

Are you ready to connect with others and gain valuable insights on managing chronic illness and pain?

Join our monthly online support group starting June 4th, 2024. This group is open to anyone living with chronic illness or pain, offering a safe and supportive community for individuals to share their experiences and learn from one another. Sessions are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30 PM and are limited to 8 participants.

Here you will receive therapeutic guidance from a qualified psychotherapist, learn about coping mechanisms, strategies for improving your quality of life, managing both the emotional and physical symptoms of chronic illness and pain, and techniques for improving your mental well-being. The cost for each session is €10. Register below to secure your spot as spaces are limited 

Current Groups


What Is Therapy, And How Does It Work?

What Type Of Therapy Do I Offer?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

How Long Does Therapy Last?

How Do I Schedule An Appointment? 

Psychotherapy or counselling is a form of mental health treatment that involves talking with a trained mental health professional. Therapy aims to help individuals address and overcome their emotional, behavioural, and mental health challenges.

In therapy, individuals work with a therapist to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences and to develop new ways of coping with difficulties and challenges. The therapist provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences and helps them identify patterns of thinking and behaviour contributing to their problems.

What Is Therapy, And How Does It Work?

What Type Of Therapy Do I Offer?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

How Long Does Therapy Last?

How Do I Schedule An Appointment? 

I offer a range of different therapeutic approaches to help individuals meet their specific needs and goals. For example, I often use person-centred therapy, which emphasises the individual's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences and helps them to develop a sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance. 

I incorporate mindfulness into therapy as it can help individuals to develop greater empathy and compassion for themselves and others. By becoming more aware of their thoughts and feelings, individuals can learn to respond to difficult experiences in a more compassionate and effective way and to approach their challenges with greater resilience and perspective.

I provide EMDR therapy that can be especially useful for individuals who are dealing with the effects of trauma and who are looking for a way to process their experiences and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Clients can avail of one-to-one and group therapy, depending on the individual's needs and preferences. I believe in a therapeutic relationship that is built on trust, respect, and empathy, which are essential for effective therapy, and I work hard to create a safe and supportive environment for my clients. 

What Is Therapy, And How Does It Work?

What Type Of Therapy Do I Offer?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

How Long Does Therapy Last?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is a type of therapy that has been proven to be effective in reducing symptoms associated with trauma, such as anxiety and depression. EMDR therapy can be an effective way to help individuals who are dealing with the impact of trauma.

The therapy works by using bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, to help individuals access and process the memories and emotions that are associated with their traumatic experiences. This process can help to reduce the intensity of these memories, to improve the individual's ability to cope with the impact of their trauma, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

EMDR therapy can be a valuable addition to an individual's therapy plan and can be used in combination with other forms of therapy, such as mindfulness practices and person-centred therapy. 

How Do I Schedule An Appointment? 

What Is Therapy, And How Does It Work?

What Type Of Therapy Do I Offer?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

How Long Does Therapy Last?

How Do I Schedule An Appointment? 

The length of therapy can vary, and some individuals may need only a few sessions while others may benefit from several months or even years of therapy. 

What Is Therapy, And How Does It Work?

What Type Of Therapy Do I Offer?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

How Long Does Therapy Last?

How Do I Schedule An Appointment? 

Book a free 20-minute online phone or video consultation with me to assess whether therapy is the right choice for you and if I am the right therapist for you. During this call, we'll discuss your goals and needs, and should you decide to move forward, I'll provide you with potential appointment times that fit your schedule.   
Get in touch through email at info@clodaghmcgrath.com or use the contact page

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